
"I found Jamie Shaw of Shaw Family Farms on Craigslist. I was sold by the photo of the pigs wallowing outdoors in fresh vegetables. Also the price was about 2/3 of what I’ve been paying at the farmers market.

The farm was really beautiful, and the fella met me with a big smile."

Thanks for the tour of the farm, very impressed at the cleanliness of the farm and the care put into each animal

P.S. The ham`s were fantastic
— Rauven N


Wow! The bacon was so good!! Just had some pork chops for dinner and they were delish! I am enjoying our pig so far, Thank you

-Kelly N.



This was the amazing lunch that Culinary Team Canada cooked along with the International students from Vcc. Spectacular lamb from Shaw Farm with gnocchi peas Wild Boar Free range pork and more! #foodie #yummy #vaneats#aldergrove #knowyourfarmer#knowyourbutcher

- Hills Foods (Instagram)

Wild boar at the #hillsfoodsshawfarm tour. Need to get these on our menu! - Seasonal 56 Restaurant (https://twitter.com/seasonal56/status/648612561202507776)

Wild boar at the #hillsfoodsshawfarm tour. Need to get these on our menu! - Seasonal 56 Restaurant (https://twitter.com/seasonal56/status/648612561202507776)

Happy babies at the Shaw Family Farm #hillsfoodsshawfarm#knowyourfarmer #knowyourfood- Natalie Browne (Instagram) (https://instagram.com/p/8MFtBoEar4/)

Happy babies at the Shaw Family Farm #hillsfoodsshawfarm#knowyourfarmer #knowyourfood

- Natalie Browne (Instagram) (https://instagram.com/p/8MFtBoEar4/)